New Injunction Policy Boosts Power Of Essential Patents

New Injunction Policy Boosts Power Of Essential Patents

In mid-December 2019, a policy statement was issued by the USPTO, NIST, and DOJ to clearly state injunctive relief (among other remedies) is available to holders of standard-essential patents (SEPs.)

China Seeks Patent on US COVID-19 Drug

China Seeks Patent on US COVID-19 Drug

Gilead's vaccine against the Ebola virus, Remdesivir, is proving effective in combating COVID-19, according to news reports and clinical trials.

Wells Fargo Was Ordered To Pay USAA $200 Million But They Might Only Be The First Of Many

This fall, a jury ordered Wells Fargo to pay USAA $200 million for infringing on patents relating to mobile image capture technology. Judging by even more recent "Wells Fargo must pay a fine" news, their patent issues may be the least of their concerns, but it will not likely be the end of the story here.

A New Plaintiff on the Patent Front: The U.S. Government vs. Gilead

A New Plaintiff on the Patent Front: The U.S. Government vs. Gilead

President Trump has a reputation for unorthodox approaches. His administration's foray into patent enforcement is no exception. 

AI and the Next Frontier in Healthcare and Patent Law

From diagnostics to robotic surgery to predictive analytics, AI is revolutionizing health care.

Should You Pass on a Patent?

Should You Pass on a Patent?

Sometimes a patent does not make business sense. It’s a conversation I have frequently with potential and existing clients, and after a brief discussion, drawing attention to important issues they should consider, they often arrive at the conclusion that it’s not worth it.

What Lawyers and Clients Need to Know About the Use of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence as it is starting to be employed is certainly new technology. You have to be aware that it is essentially the proverbial “robot” doing stuff, not a person. There are going to be glitches. But, in one sense, we have always had automated systems doing “stuff” for us so it is not unexpected that these systems are making their way into the legal industry.

Keeping Competitors Away From Your Game-changing Product

Clients see a competing product with similar functionality to their own and immediately believe it’s a copy, even if the competitor developed the functionality independently. At that point, they don’t care how the attorneys deal with the situation — the attorneys are expected to find a way to shut down the knockoff.